Sometime later, I calmed down. I suspect I was given something, because my blood pressure was sky high. The tightness in my head lessened a little, and as soon as I could stand, and with the doctor's blessing, I left the hospital. There was no way in hell I was going to stay any longer than necessary.
During the long drive home I slept a little, the anaesthetic kept knocking me out. I got home and I suspected that the block had failed. On top of my usual nightmarish pain, I felt like I was hit around the head with a crowbar. I could feel some numbness on the top of my head, but this morning it was gone. I am so disappointed, and confused. Why aren't any of the medications or procedures helping me?
Trigeminal Neuralgia is such a monstrous condition, it's so difficult to treat and there is no cure. I am not giving up though, there HAS to be something the doctors can do! They are the absolute best in their fields and I have faith in them.
I have been told that there may be a Migraine element to my pain, and until I see that particular specialist (I got an appointment for November,) I won't have any answers. If I suffer from migraine's too, and I really suspect I do, I may finally get some medications that will help both my Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia and Migraines.
Fingers crossed, and perhaps the block will take effect after all. All I have got is hope.
H - Hold
O - On
P - Pain
E - Ends
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