My doctors always ask me to rate my pain from 0 to 10. 0 being pain free, and 10 being the worst pain ever. At the moment, my pain level is a 9. Yep, a 9. It is really unfair, and I am struggling to cope.
I was asked a simple question today, and it has been on my mind. Someone I know asked me how was I not driven mad by this pain. I just answered by saying that I didn't know. How am I retaining my sanity though? How are all the Trigeminal Neuralgia sufferers coping with this monster? It would be really interesting to hear other warriors' tales of woe.
I have been ordered to get a lot of rest, my doctors wanted me on complete bed rest, but that isn't possible. Things need to be done, and I go nuts if I sit still for long. I am really independent, and the fact that I can't drive until my vision returns is pissing me off.
Why is this happening to me?

That would be surrendering though, and I am far to stubborn for that.
My plan for the next few days is to do nothing. Watch a bit of TV, try and read a little and generally keep my mind busy. This will last until the end of the week if I am lucky and I will want to bash my head against a wall. (I have actually considered this during a level 10 attack.) I used to devour books, I could read a 500 page book in less than two hours, now with my wonky vision, I can maybe read 50 pages a day, and that bugs me. Another thing Trigeminal Neuralgia has stolen from me.
What else will TN take from me?
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